Open studios are creative spaces in Groningen where young people from the neighborhood meet, inspire each other, and create awesome things together.

Creative Spaces for Youngsters
From theater to music, dance, and visual arts, each studio has its own discipline and identity, providing a place where you as a youngster feel at home. In these studios, access is always free, and there is an artistic mentor who can assist you with your project, such as a producer, a writer, or visual artist.
Open Studios are located in various neighborhoods and villages in the municipality of Groningen, each with its own opening hours. Check the locations and times below. Everyone is welcome, regardless of where you live. Join us!
Discover Open Studio near you




SCN Vinkhuizen

MFC De Wijert

Studio Ten Boer

Studio Haren
Are you young and want to contribute?
Your ideas are needed to make these places. Wish to contribute to the studio in your neighborhood? Sign up for our youth panel. You can contribute ideas on how the studio looks, come up with a cool name, discuss how to reach out to other young people, and suggest which experts to invite. Click below on Join the panel and sign up!