Everyone can participate in art and culture. That is the mission of VRIJDAG. That is why you can also follow a course with us if there is a tight budget at home.
Discount on all courses
Everyone can participate in art and culture. That is the mission of VRIJDAG. That is why you can also follow a course with us if there is a tight budget at home. Choose from the discount options and subsidy schemes below.
For children in the city of Groningen
The Youth Fund Sport & Culture is active in the city of Groningen. The Youth Fund Sport & Culture makes it possible for children and young people aged 0 to 18 to take lessons at a theater club, dance school, art studio or music association. The contribution of the Youth Fund is a maximum of 500 euros per child per year, so it is really worth it! You may spend a maximum of 100 euros of this amount on instrument rental, which is also possible at VRIJDAG in many cases.
In addition, the webshop of the Stadjerspas is interesting for smaller contributions. For example, there is a discount voucher worth 20 euros that can be used once a year for any course or for a free 15-strip (study) card for musicians who want to study with us, regardless of age. There are also regular special promotions, such as a free 5-strippenkaart for the Vrije Inloop 4-12 years, three free entrances for the Vrije Inloop during the spring and autumn holidays and a five euro discount on a performance or concert (this will be charged to the cash register). You can use the discount once a year.
For adults in the city of Groningen
For adults there is the Adult Fund Sport & Culture. The contribution of the Adult Fund is a maximum of 400 euros per person per year. Sometimes there are also special promotions. To be eligible for the Adult Fund you must be in possession of a (free) Stadjerspas. If you are not yet a member of the Stadjerspas, you can apply for one via stadjerspas.gemeente.groningen.nl. An application for the Adult Fund is made by an intermediary, such as Leontine Hulscher from VRIJDAG in the Buurt. Curious if you qualify for this discount? Please send an email to volwassenenfonds@bijvrijdag.nl.
For children in the province of Groningen
Stichting Leergeld offers financial aid in 200 municipalities, so that children aged 0 to 18 years can participate in school and extracurricular activities.
Discount for students
When you are following a full day's course (further education, not secondary education), you are eligible for a student discount of 10% on all activities. You indicate this when registering. The condition is that you e-mail a copy of your student card (with card number and academic year) or a copy of proof of enrollment from the educational institution to cursus@bijvrijdag.nl. The discount will then be deducted immediately.