Do you want to rehearse with your band or practice on your instrument? Book a study room, drum or rehearsal room online.

Rehearsal room in Groningen
Note: Due to summer vacation, you cannot study from July 20th to August 24th.
VRIJDAG provides you with a space to practice music: either solo or in a group setting. On Monday till Friday you can use our spaces between 9 am and 10 pm, and on Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm, at times when no lessons are given. Please always reserve a spot prior to coming. Reach out to complete your booking at (050) 3051 400 or Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to reserve the practice room online.
After you have made a reservation, you can get a strip card at the reception. This is possible on weekdays from 9 am to 5.30 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 12.30 pm. You can choose an individual study pass (25 euros) or a group pass (40 euros). With an individual pass you can study for a total of 15 hours. With a group pass you can rehearse with your band for a total of 4 x 2 hours.
If you come to study or rehearse, show your strip card at the reception and you will receive the key to the reserved space. Bands can also pick up a case with microphones and accessories. The studios have a drum kit, guitar amplifiers, a bass amplifier and piano as standard.
For rent including:
- Microphone standard (3x)
- Lectern (4x)
- Guitar amplifier (2x)
- Stage piano
- Bass amplifier
- Drum kit
- Case including jack jack cables (4x), microphone (3x) and cables
Attention: Study rooms and drum spaces can be booked 1 day (24 hours) in advance while studios (for bands) can be booked up to 3 days prior (72 hours). Unfortunately it is not possible to drop by without a reservation.